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Global Developments in the Rights of Nature: International Agreements

Tuesday, May 11 – 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern, 6pm (London), 7pm CEST

Join CDER for a fantastic webinar with Doris Ragettli, of the Rights of Mother Earth, and Pella Thiel of the End Ecocide Sweden, and Lodyn.   

Doris (Switzerland) and Pella (Sweden) are leading advocates from Europe on the rights of nature.  They have proposed that the rights of nature be included in the Convention on Biological Diversity, and are working to advance the rights of nature in other international spaces. 

We have had the opportunity to work with both Doris and Pella, and invite you to join us for this important discussion.  

The webinar will be held on Zoom.

Register here: Global Developments in the Rights of Nature: International Agreements Event Page.

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