News and Updates
Inside Climate News: Ecuador Court Says Coastal Marine Ecosystems Have Intrinsic Value—and Legal Rights
Ecuador’s Constitutional Court rules that marine ecosystems possess legal rights, a major victory for the rights of nature. CDER’s Hugo Echeverría explains how the decision will help protect marine areas.
Chesapeake Bay Journal: River gains ‘rights of nature’ under Rappahannock tribal law
The Rappahannock Tribe enshrined the rights of nature in its tribal constitution. CDER is proud to have assisted in this process.
Press Release: Ojai, CA, Passes Rights of Nature Law, Recognizing the Legal Rights of Waterbodies and Mountains
Press Release: Ojai, CA, Passes Rights of Nature Law Recognizing the Legal Rights of Waterbodies and Mountains
Indigenous Peoples’ Day Announcement: First Tribe in the U.S. Adopts Constitution Enshrining the Enforceable Rights of Nature
First Tribe in the U.S. Adopts Constitution Enshrining the Enforceable Rights of Nature: Rappahannock Tribal Constitution Recognizes the Rights of the Rappahannock River
Could the ‘rights of nature’ save Yasuní and keep its oil in the ground? By CDER’s Mari Margil & Hugo Echeverría
CDER's Mari Margil and Hugo Echeverría write how the rights of nature can protect Yasuní National Park, in Ecuador's Amazon, from oil extraction and environmental disaster.