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May the Fourth Be With You…

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May the Fourth Be With You…

Tuesday, May 4, 7 pm Eastern, 4 pm Pacific, 1 pm Honolulu // (next day) Wednesday, May 5, 9 am AEST (Sydney), 11 am NZST

Join us for a webinar on the Moon, as we discuss plans for human exploration and exploitation of the Moon and the rising concerns with the potential impacts on the lunar environment. 

Who owns the Moon? Is the Moon dead? What can/should be done to protect it? 

These questions and more will be discussed by three of the drafters of the Declaration of the Rights of the Moon

Alice Gorman – Space Archaeologist and Associate Professor at Flinders University in Australia 

Michelle Maloney, Ph.D. – National Coordinator of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance and CDER Associate 

Mari Margil – Executive Director of the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights

The webinar is free.  Please register here.

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For more information:

April 27

Global Developments in the Rights of Nature: Tribal Nations

May 11

Global Developments in the Rights of Nature: International Agreements