New Rights of Nature Videos Available-2/12/2021

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We have two amazing videos added to our Video section from this past quarter. In September, Thomas Linzey spoke at the University of Toledo as part of CDER’s 2020 College Tour, titled “Who Speaks for the Trees: The Movement for the Rights of Nature.” This was done in partnership with their Environmental law and Legal Institute of the Great Lakes departments. This video and additional information can be found here.

Our second video is from our Rights of Nature 101 webinar series and took place this January. In it, Thomas Linzey, our Senior Legal Counsel, focuses on the concept of legally enforceable Rights of Nature and traces the development of Rights of Nature laws and court decisions around the world. This webinar is especially helpful for those looking for practical information on how to implement the Rights of Nature movement within their own communities. The video and description are available here.


First Rights of Nature Law Passed in Canada - Magpie River-2/24/2021


Sierra: Thomas Linzey speaks on Rights of Nature in Orange County-2/9/2021