First Rights of Nature Law Passed in Canada - Magpie River-2/24/2021


On CTV News, Selena Ross reports that “Quebec whitewater river declared legal 'person' with its own rights” (Ross, February 23, 2021). Twin resolutions via the Innu council and the municipality of Minganie led to legal personhood of the Magpie River located in Montreal. This united partnership took place behind the strategy of seeking out personhood for this body via the argument for the inherent rights of nature.

This new piece brings to the forefront the success of the Rights of Nature movement, where progress has been seen in New Zealand, Ecuador, Florida and has representation on other continents. Those that live near this great river can now be empowered with the right to watch over it. These twin resolutions have also provided closure to the local communities with regard to the status of proposals that seek to economically benefit from the Magpie River. This fascinating news update by Selena Ross and CTV News is located here.


Thomas Linzey: “Filling the Democracy Gap”-2/24/2021


New Rights of Nature Videos Available-2/12/2021