New York Times: Nature Lawyers Up


Manuela Andreoni has written about the rights of nature movement in the New York Times newsletter, Climate Forward.

In the article, Mari Margil, CDER’s Executive Director, shares how the shift in understanding that is underway - from nature being considered as a commodity existing to serve humanity - to nature being recognized as a living entity, with legal rights of its own, requires a fundamental shift in humankind’s relationship with the natural world. She says:

Transforming our relationship with nature requires “legal change, really fundamental legal change…But that change happens only when we have a really fundamental society or cultural change.”

To read the full article, click here.


Inside Climate News: Lawsuit Asserting the ‘Rights of Salmon’ Ends in a Settlement that Benefits the Fish


Press Release: City of Seattle Settles “Rights of Nature” Case Filed by the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe – Agrees to Create Fish Passage Through Skagit River Dams