Salish Current: Using ‘rights of nature’ to correct environmental wrongs

July 7, 2023

Salish Current provides independent news to Whatcom, San Juan, and Skagit Counties in Washington State, and featured the rights of nature in a recent article titled: Using ‘rights of nature’ to correct environmental wrongs.

Clifford Heberden highlighted the work being done in the region, including by the Rights of Nature Initiative (RONI), an organization based in Olympia, WA. The Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER) is partnering wiht RONI on grassroots rights of nature efforts.

Thomas Linzey, CDER’s Senior Legal Counsel, is featured in the article and shares the journey and value of the work to protect our ecosystems. To quote:

“There’s no principle more embedded in Western law than nature as property, it’s going to take some time to get judicial recognition.” -Thomas Linzey

To read the full article, click here.


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NPR: Rights for the rivers: Groups fight for recognition of natural entities' legal rights